The official blog of Stephen Houltham

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hi. I'm Stephen and I'm a Twihard.

Unless you've been living in a cave working on your diabolical plan to take over the world, you may have noticed that certain 2nd installment of a pop culture phenomenon has hit the world today. This pop culture phenomenon comes in the form of a movie titled: New Moon.

It's always a danger reviewing a massive movie that's hit the hyperactivity levels of a two-year-old on sugar, purely because said movie has a army of fans ready to devour this film, not once but several times.

In case your perplexed about this little cultural phenomenon, The Twilight Saga and New Moon is your classic romance with vampires and werewolves thrown into the mix. The Twilight Saga is one of those stories that trying to explain it makes the recipient of the explanation even more confused then when they started out. Basically it goes something like this: girl moves into a small town, falls for a mysterious guy who turns out to be a vampire, other vampires want to kill her, in order to protect her vampire boyfriend leaves her who promptly falls into the arms of a shape-shifter werewolf and saves vampire boyfriend from Vampire royalty after he believes she's dead.

Confused? If so, before watching New Moon, read the books of the saga, things will make more sense then the quick summary above.

When a movie such as New Moon, is based on a popular book of the same name, it can invariably hard to include all the moments in the book, into the film. Like its predessor, New Moon had conversations in different places from that of the book and had props and features that didn't exist like an elevator in the Volturi ( that's the 'vampire royalty' i was talking about earlier) but i'm probably nit picking.

The best bits in this film were the special effects used with the viewer being able to see the emotion in the werewolves eyes. Also, being the big boy that I am the action scenes made me jump and get right into the movie.

Rating: On my scale of 1-7, New Moon deserves a 5. New Moon would have got a 6, if it didn't rely on the movie audience having read the books. That being said, New Moon was entertaining and worth a seeing to. I'm expecting a range 2-3's in professional reviews.

Appropriate Audiences: Fans of the Twilight Saga. More grown-up from the previous movie that the saga gets its name from, so not appropriate for anybody who can't stand mild violence.

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