The official blog of Stephen Houltham

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Weekly musing: Sperm donation

I know the title of this blog sounds dodgy- but this is a random musing of myself- brought on by an article in the sunday magazine in last weeks sunday star star times. In this article, they talked about the drought of sperm in fertility clinics nationwide. Intially, being a guy- this subject had the potential to perk my interest- a chance I could use to help someone. Except there is a huge sticking point here. I'm not talking about the task at hand- it seems relatively easy. Its what happens after which is causing not many men to partake in the seemingly easy task of giving the task. Its the fact, that after your donation- you don't remain anoynmous. Sure there are privacy laws etc... but a kid and therefore in somecases the parents of that child can contact the donor. There is a case of allowing this to happen in case you have a genetic disease which could get passed on, however, wouldn't be simpler to allow that info. on when donating?

Ok, enough of musing, tell me what you think, if that wasn't too random for you.

I know, I know I'm a bad boy

Hi all to those who attempt to read this blog. I'm sorry, i have made a second blog entry. I keep forgetting. I know its not good enough, i'll try to rectify that right now.