The official blog of Stephen Houltham

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Apologies and a Rant.

Hi all. Yes, I've actually remembered to input a blog entry in finally. I wish I could come up with a decent excuse for not doing a blog entry for several weeks, but I can't come up with a decent excuse, so my apologies for not giving you my readers a blog entry sooner. Stick with me, I'm still learning the art of blogging. In an effort to get back to my weekly bloggings , you'll find that your slaidback blog entry will come out on a Tuesday until further notice.

Okay, enough of the apologies. Down to business.

You may have noticed that at the end of February and early this month, there was a little event called the Winter Olympics in the Canadian city of Vancouver. The coverage of this event by Sky in New Zealand was light years ahead of what the previous coverage of an Olympic games was by the state broadcaster, TVNZ with four channels 24/7.

The same can't be said for the coverage of the Winter Olympics companion event, the Winter Paralympics. The coverage of this event is quite frankly shocking with a nightly highlights package that was originally placed at midnight, but quickly moved to a slightly more acceptable time at 10. Which is still a shocking time placement.

Its not like the Paralympics is a bad sporting event to watch- the salom and ice hockey at the winter olympics are considered ideal sports to watch- but what if a skier was doing that salom blindfolded or a sitting down on a sledge? What would you rather watch a guy doing the salom normally or a guy doing the salom who's legally blind?

I'm not asking for four channels of Paralympics that would be excessive, given the importance of the Paralympics in tv sporting events. It would just be nice to be able to watch all of a Paralympic event rather than bits and pieces.

If we, as society are for all equality and equal opportunity, we should treat the pinnacle of sport for people with impairements as an equal to that of an able-bodied event.

Okay, rant over. Tell me what you think.

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