The official blog of Stephen Houltham

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The 7's. The Top Rating Movie's of all time .

While on holiday in Blenheim, a few weeks ago, the topic of conversation came around to what movies are our worst and best movies of all time-the one's i would rank 0 and 7 retrospectively.
At time the time I couldn't come up with a definite list- i could only sprout a few off my tongue. So this the answer to that question.
Disclaimer: the quotes used in this blog may be a little off.

So seeing its the start of a new decade, here's my list of the Top Rating Movie's of all time, the movie's that deserve a rating of 7 for classic movie in no particular order:
There is a distinct qualfying aspect to this list- its fill of movies I've seen so while movie's like the Godfather are regarded as the best of all time- i haven't included them due to not seeing them- after you can't rank if you haven't seen it.

La vita e bella or Life is Beautiful (1997)

Yes, right now I sound like a foreign language/indie film lover. But this movie deserves to be in any top movie list. This movie will have you shaking with laughter one moment and sobbing the next. While you may have to deal with subtitles- if you are not effected fundamentally in some way by this movie- you could call this movie a classic psychopath test. This movie is famous for the Jewish father in this story disguising the holocaust treatment to his son as a competition to win a life-sized tank. Any synopsis i would write would not do it justice so for synopsis:

Appropriate Audiences: As this movie involves violence- i would of course not recommend this movie to anyone below the age of 14. However, this is a movie that needs to be seen.

Forrest Gump (1994)

If you haven't even heard of this movie, let alone watched it- then rock you have been living under must be mighty comfortable. This movie about the life of a not-so-bright man called Forrest Gump who succeeds through life and history's challenges despite his difficulities, give's you that inspiration tinkle. Famous for lines like "woah! you step in a whole of pile of @&#*" "it happens".

Appropriate Audiences: This movie has the jackpot of warnings: nudity,violence and coarse language, so not entirely appropriate for young children or those that can't stand the above jackpot.

Schindler's List (1993)

This movie was introduced to me in fourth form by social studies and form teacher, as the one movie that you need to see in order to understand the holocaust. This movie in case you don't know is about the true story of "Oskar Schindler, (a rank and file member of the Nazi Party) uses Jews to start a factory in Poland during the war. He witnesses the horrors endured by the Jews, and starts to save them." (quote taken from

Completing out this list of the Top Ranking of all time are:

The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

The original Star Wars Triology
for pure popularity sakes.

The Green Mile (1999)

Fight Club (1999)

Lord of The Rings Triology
because it brought New Zealand and NZ film making into the open.

Life Of Brian (1979)

The Lion King (1994)- the animated movie i grew up with.

Hotel Rwanda (2004)

This is what I believe to be a concise list: if you disagree or want to add a movie, leave a comment.

Have fun out there,


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